The Investor Visa (IV) and Significant Investor Visa (SIV) are investment programs sponsored by the Australian government that offer a pathway to Australian residency.
Visa applicants will be required to invest at least $5 million for the life of their provisional visa in 'complying investments', before being eligible to apply for a permanent visa.
From 1 July 2021, a portfolio of complying investments must include:
at least AUD $1M in venture capital and growth private equity funds which invest in start-ups and small private companies
at least AUD $1.5M in approved managed funds which invest in emerging companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange
a ‘balancing investment’ of at least AUD $2.5M in managed funds (or LICs) that invest in a combination of eligible assets such as ASX listed companies.
There are several further conditions, including:
A complying fund must have no more than 20 percent of its net assets in cash.
Derivatives are to be used for risk management purposes only
Fund managers must maintain a minimum $100 million in firmwide funds under management to offer complying funds.
Complying investment: Mutual Income Fund
Mutual Income Fund - Balancing Investment
The aim of the Fund is to provide investors a high level of capital preservation and to outperform the Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index, generating net returns to investors in excess of cash alternatives, with a Minimum of 60% invested in Big 4 Australian Banks and 100% invested in Australian Banks. There is no derivatives or leverage in the Fund.
How the fund meets eligibility criteria
The Fund invests in corporate bonds or notes issued by an Australian exchange-listed entity or investment-grade rated Australian corporate bonds or notes rated by an AFS licensed debt-rating agency
Cash is no more than 10% of the fund’s net assets
The fund manager has more than $100 million in firm-wide funds under management